Zillow Promotes Sin Again!
Zillow Home Loans should be ashamed of its latest commercial, which attempts to normalize sin by featuring a same-sex couple buying a home together. This new commercial for Zillow features two homosexual men sitting on the sofa together as one man gives a handmade gift to his partner in an attempt to save money for their future joint home purchase. The ad states, “Home just got real.” This commercial promotes same-sex relationships and the LGBTQ agenda.
One Million Moms continues to stand up for biblical truth, which is very clear about this particular type of sexual perversion in Romans 1:26-27.
One Million Moms is concerned over the way this advertisement is pushing the LGBTQ agenda; we are even more concerned that the commercial is airing when children are likely watching television.
Airing this advertisement during family viewing time crosses a line that Zillow should have never crossed.
If you agree that this commercial is inappropriate, sign our petition urging Zillow Home Loans to pull its LGBTQ “DIY Home Loan” ad immediately and remain neutral in the culture war. And please share this with your friends and family.