Warning: 'Wicked' Not Only Includes Witchcraft But Also LGBTQ Content!

Alerting All Parents! One Million Moms needs your help to make sure as many people as possible are aware of Universal Pictures pushing the LGBTQ agenda on families, particularly children, in the musical Wicked.
Of course, the musical contains a tremendous amount of witchcraft and sorcery, and that content prompts most parents to avoid taking their children to see Wicked. But the film also shows not-so-discrete crossdressing and men crushing on men, which parents may not expect.
Instead of an uplifting Broadway musical about friendship and family, talents and resources were used to create a dark movie that also pushes wokeness. Universal Pictures has traded its usual subtlety for intentionality.
Unfortunately, the film adapts the musical into a two-part movie, so there is more to come. The stars of the film Wicked: Part One have recently hinted that there will be more LGBTQ content in Wicked: Part Two, scheduled for release on November 21, 2025, just in time for next year’s holidays.
Four of the film’s main characters are openly queer or gay in real life, or at the minimum, these actors have spoken about their queer experiences. As such, the queer representation and visibility in Wicked: Part One were important to them.
Obviously, this part of the movie is a nod to inclusivity, along with a blatant attempt by Universal to normalize same-sex crushes.
Universal has now decided to be politically correct instead of providing family-friendly programming. But Universal should stick to family-friendly entertainment, particularly in children’s films, rather than pushing an agenda.
Please share this with your friends and family to make sure they are aware of the queer content in Wicked and not blindsided by it. As moms, we all want to know when Universal is attempting to desensitize our children by normalizing the LGBTQ lifestyle.
Take Action:
I encourage you to join 1MM in telling Universal Pictures that we are not buying what they are selling. Sign our pledge stating you will not support “Wicked.”
Even if you have seen “Wicked: Part One,” you can commit to not watching “Wicked: Part Two.”