Vitaminwater Has Made a Huge Mistake With Its New Pro-LGBTQ Marketing Campaign

Vitaminwater (manufactured by The Coca-Cola Company) is joining other corporations in supporting the LGBTQ agenda. Recently, Vitaminwater launched a tasteless marketing campaign promoting the homosexual and transgender lifestyle in its new commercial lineup advertising its zero-sugar drinks.
Gay activist rapper and crossdresser Lil Nas X is featured prominently in Vitaminwater’s new ad campaign, including an entire slew of commercials glamorizing gays and transgenderism. The choice of Vitaminwater’s spokesperson and his female attire in these commercials make it apparent they are glorifying the LGBTQ lifestyle. Lil Nas X is known for his boldly queer visuals, and these ads are no different.
The new Vitaminwater pro-LGBTQ commercials that we are currently aware of include:
- Gutsy – all go for it, zero nerves. New zero sugar gutsy.
- With Love – all self-care, zero self-doubt.
- Forever You – all play, zero lag.
- XXX – all feelin’ it, zero fakin’ it.
- Shine – all slay, zero bad days.
All commercials feature soundbites of Lil Nas X lyrics, including “Someone who loves me. I need someone who needs me.” The overall theme of each commercial in the campaign is a purposeful glamorization of the LGBTQ lifestyle. Variations of the ads feature Lil Nas X’s breaking up with his boyfriend through a text message, flirting with a man just to be turned down, looking at a male’s pic on his phone while on a date with a girl, and fantasizing at the office of cross-dressing with women’s costumes, wigs, and platform heels.
Vitaminwater is pushing an agenda of sexual confusion instead of promoting its product. The PC-inclusive ad attempts to blur the biological distinctions between males and females. Thanks, Vitaminwater. Now, parents have to explain these disturbing ads to their confused children!
It is concerning that these ads are pushing the LGBTQ agenda by attempting to blur the lines between a man and a woman. Normalizing this lifestyle (choice) is contrary to what conservative and Christian parents are teaching our children about God’s design of sexuality (genders).
These gay-inclusive commercials are attempting to desensitize and brainwash viewers by convincing them that homosexuality is natural. In reality, it is an unnatural love that is forbidden by Scripture. Romans 1:26-27 makes this very clear.
Please sign our petition urging Vitaminwater to immediately stop its inappropriate marketing campaigns and cancel this pro-LGBTQ set of offensive commercials. Also, let Vitaminwater know that continuing to air these ads and other offensive advertisements in the future will force your family to make the decision to no longer purchase Vitaminwater or any Coca-Cola products unless they remain neutral in the culture war.