Urge Ritual Vitamins to Cancel Its Inappropriate Commercial

The Ritual corporation offends conservative parents in its newest vitamin commercial, “Trace Like a Motherf*cker.” The company is bringing awareness to its transparent approach to the traceability of product ingredients in its vitamins, but its current approach to advertising takes an unnecessary and inappropriate turn.
At first, this vitamin commercial shows a mom in her kitchen with her small children, and she says, “I’m a mom. Know what I keep in my bag? A whole lot of (a noisy blender covers her profanity). Who wants juice?”
The blender noise covers the commercial’s insinuated profanity, but viewers understand exactly what was said. The ad continues at the mom’s office when she briefly mentions researching these vitamins. But at the end of the commercial, while she waits in the school carpool line, the obscenities continue between her and another mom – even though they are around children. Both mothers appear to be dropping f-bombs, but the blares of car horns drown out their obscene words.
Ritual has deliberately decided to produce controversial vitamin advertisements instead of wholesome ones. This type of advertising assumes that rudeness and swearing are funny. One Million Moms finds this highly inappropriate.
What’s worse, Ritual’s advertisements for vitamins air during primetime when families are most likely to be watching. How damaging and destructive to children! Everyone knows children repeat what they hear. Ritual should be more responsible in its marketing decisions.
Let them know that, as a parent and a consumer, you are disgusted by their recent marketing choices.
Ritual needs to know parents disapprove!
If you agree this marketing campaign is inappropriate, please sign our petition urging Ritual to cancel this commercial immediately.