Urge Keebler to Cancel Its Inappropriate Ad

Urge Keebler to Cancel Its Inappropriate Ad

Keebler offends conservative parents in one of its newest commercials. One Million Moms has received many complaints regarding the cookie maker’s “fudge” advertisement, so it is time to hold Keebler accountable.

The company attempts to encourage parents to buy its Fudge Stripes, but the advertisement for these cookies takes an unnecessary and inappropriate turn. The ad begins with a mom and daughter chasing after a missed school bus, but the bus does not stop for them. At that moment in the commercial, the mom says, “Ahhh … fu …” but is interrupted by the Keebler elf asking, “Fudge?”

This is insinuated profanity, but viewers understand exactly what was implied. This type of advertising is entirely unnecessary, especially in marketing dealing with children.

Everyone knows children repeat what they hear, particularly when a young person is the one speaking in the ad. Typically, young actors attract young viewers.

What’s worse, Keebler’s advertisements air during primetime, when families are most likely to be watching. How damaging and destructive to children! Keebler should be more responsible in its marketing decisions.

Keebler has deliberately decided to produce controversial advertisements instead of wholesome ones. 1MM finds this highly inappropriate. Other individuals likely find this ad offensive too, which is probably why Keebler has turned off the comments section of this ad on YouTube.

Let Keebler know that, as a parent and a consumer, you are disgusted by its recent marketing choices.

Keebler needs to know parents disapprove!


If you agree this marketing campaign is inappropriate, please sign our petition urging Keebler to cancel this commercial immediately.

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