Urge hello products to Cancel Its Inappropriate Ad

Urge hello products to Cancel Its Inappropriate Ad

Currently, hello products is offending families with a continually airing, crude commercial. At the beginning of this commercial, the ad praises its toothpaste due to its natural ingredients and other qualities customers look for in a toothpaste. The company also attempts to encourage consumers to try its toothpaste since others are discovering this strange new feeling of actually liking their toothpaste. But the commercial takes an inappropriate turn when one lady brushing her teeth blurts out, “Holy (bleep)!” The voiceover then states, “She means holy spit.”

This “Strangely Noticeable” commercial includes a double entendre that is inappropriate and unnecessary. Foul language or the implication of it is not needed in this or any commercial, but that is obviously what hello products intended with the use of a curse word bleeped out at the end of its ad. Even though this bleep drowns out the obscene word, viewers understand exactly what was implied. Then, the commercial concludes with the tagline, “hello – Strangely Likeable Toothpaste.”

Not to mention the word “Holy” should be set aside for God’s purpose, according to 1 Peter 1:14-15 (NASB 1995): “As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’”

Unfortunately, hello has deliberately decided to produce controversial advertisements instead of wholesome ones. One Million Moms finds this highly disturbing.

What’s worse, hello’s toothpaste advertisements air during primetime when families are most likely to be watching. How damaging and destructive to children! Everyone knows children repeat what they hear. Therefore, hello should be more responsible in its marketing decisions.

As a parent, let hello products know that you are offended that the company cares more about financial gain than the impression made on our children.

Let hello also know that as a consumer, you are disgusted by its recent marketing choices and disapprove!


If you agree this marketing campaign is inappropriate, please sign our petition urging hello products to cancel this “Strangely Noticeable” commercial immediately.

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