Update Regarding Wild Willies Commercial!

Update Regarding Wild Willies Commercial!

One Million Moms is thrilled to announce that Wild Willies’ obscene “panty dropper” ad has been pulled from several television channels. Praise the Lord!

Wild Willies reported in a recent Daily Mail (DM) interview that several channels would no longer air its commercial due to viewer complaints after a petition was issued from One Million Moms. According to DM, numerous channels requested a different commercial to air – without the words “panty dropper.” One channel threatened to completely pull the ad, stating that “unless there’s another commercial that doesn’t have the panty-dropping line or video of the ladies with their panties dropping, we will not be able to air it.”

Thankfully, numerous channels are paying attention to complaints from concerned viewers, particularly parents. It is also encouraging that not only are women concerned with what children are viewing, but many of the complaints about Wild Willies came from men.

So due to your massive response, the 1MM petition to Wild Willies complaining about this ad helped tremendously in informing and warning parents, while simultaneously helping to get the word out on what is unacceptable to air on television. You may read the original alert here.

Yet, our supporters should also be aware that the president of Wild Willies, Steve Capitani, displayed major disrespect to conservative parents’ concerns in his DM interview.

“I think some viewers were also being a bit too woke about the campaign message,” said Capitani. “Some people did look at the words ‘panty dropper’ being used in the campaign and looked at this as if our products did this so I could understand the concern.

“I would say these people are overreacting, and they’re getting their knickers in a twist. Our humor is not for everyone, just like other people’s humor is not for us.”

Despite Capitani’s negative remarks, your efforts were successful because the vulgar “panty dropper” commercial has been removed from several channels.

It is evident that public outcry was a large part of the removal of this controversial ad from many television networks, and 1MM is hopeful that more will follow.

Yes, your support is making a HUGE difference! These small victories demonstrate that 1MM is on the front lines of the culture war, but the battle has only begun. We need your continued prayers and support, so please consider donating today to help our efforts.

Your financial support allows us to continue sounding the alarm about harmful messages impacting our children while sharing practical ways to make your voices heard against these messages. That is why I ask you to please consider giving a financial gift of any amount to support the work of 1MM.

Thank you for helping us fight indecency! Would you please help us continue our work by making a small financial contribution to the work of One Million Moms today? Please donate!

Let’s keep up the great work to inform parents and protect children.

Once again, your voice was heard! Thank YOU for helping make a HUGE difference in the lives of our children.