To Be More Inclusive Boys Scouts Is Changing Their Name!

To Be More Inclusive Boys Scouts Is Changing Their Name!


The Boys Scouts of America (BSA) organization has been on a moral decline for a long time due to its support of the LGBTQ+ agenda. Now, in an obvious attempt to be even more inclusive, BSA is rebranding and changing its name to Scouting America. This is devastating news for current scouts, boys wanting to participate, and previous members who diligently worked to earn prestigious BSA honors such as Eagle Scout rank. This once-respected boys’ organization has completely caved to pressure from the left, even though there are similar groups available for girls to join.

The downfall of this organization began when gay youth were allowed to participate in 2013, and then BSA opened its doors to gay adult leaders in 2015. But in 2017, the organization historically announced that as of January 2018, girls would be accepted into the group, beginning with the cub scout level. Sadly, the organization made its first name change to Scouts BSA in 2019.

This latest attempt at total inclusiveness makes meetings, outings, campouts, and gatherings even more unsafe for children. Liberal BSA members claim this name change will make it a safe space for all, but One Million Moms believes this alteration will make the organization more dangerous for the nation’s children. Since BSA’s aims at inclusivity began, the volume of reported sexual abuse claims has been staggering. It is evident that in intimate settings such as camping and other scouting adventures, the separation of boys and girls is the safest option.

With a $2.4 billion bankruptcy reorganization plan taking effect last year, BSA was allowed to continue operating, while compensating more than 80,000 men who claimed they were sexually abused as childhood participants in the national scouting organization.

The organization's newly named President and CEO Roger Krone stated, “Membership is at historic lows.”

Ironically, Krone also said, “Part of my job is to reduce all the barriers I possibly can for people to accept us as an organization and to join.”

But One Million Moms asks, “At what cost?”

This all-inclusive name change will officially take place on February 8, 2025, just in time for the organization’s 115th birthday.

Regarding that milestone, Krone said, “In the next 100 years, we want any youth in America to feel very, very welcome to come into our programs.”

Krone added, “[This name change] sends this really strong message to everyone in America that they can come to this program, they can bring their authentic self, they can be who they are, and they will be welcomed here.”

Meanwhile, local troops only keep an average of 10-20% of revenue from fundraisers such as annual popcorn sales, etc. Yet BSA (soon to be Scouting America) collects a royalty payment based on its trademark – and a lot of that money goes towards pushing this liberal agenda.


Please sign our petition stating you will no longer support Boys Scouts of America (or Scouting America) as long as they are pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda on children.

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