The Super Bowl 'He Gets Us' Ad Never Mentions the Gospel

As Christians, One Million Moms’ biggest concern during Super Bowl LVIII was the incomplete and misguided “Foot Washing” ad from the He Gets Us movement. The commercial was partially true, as it showed the love of Jesus and how we can serve and love one another even with our differences. Unfortunately, the movement’s “Foot Washing” ad missed the mark, because it never shared the Gospel so a person might put their faith in Jesus Christ in order to receive salvation. The ad missed the most important part of the Gospel – the truth that Jesus loved us so much that He died for us to save us from our sins. Sharing only part of the truth can be extremely misleading, especially to those who are unsaved. It is also disturbing that the He Gets Us website describes Jesus as a mere storyteller instead of a Savior.
I would like to take this opportunity and share a brief but thorough video, “The Road to Salvation,” produced by our parent ministry, American Family Association, explaining the most important message there is – the Gospel.
As humans, we all are sinners, and that is why repentance and faith in Christ are crucial. But this information was never mentioned in the He Gets Us “Foot Washing” commercial. The different scenes in this commercial showed many individuals washing others’ feet, referencing Jesus washing the disciples’ feet out of love and as an act of service. A few examples from the commercial included: a son washing his father’s feet, an officer washing the feet of a man in a dark alley, teens in different cliques at school, the feet of a young female at an abortion clinic, an alcoholic, a Muslim, a couple of protestors, a non-binary person’s feet being washed by a priest, a migrant woman, and others humbly shown together from different backgrounds and cultures.
This ad was incomplete though, since it did not explain repentance, which is critical for salvation. Yes, we are all sinners, and Jesus loves all. But He was clear on how to be saved, and that is why the entire message must be told: Love is sharing how to be saved and have eternal life in heaven.
The He Gets Us website describes itself as a movement:
“We hope to be the voice of a movement – of people who have considered his story and found it deeply and personally transformational. For some, it has been a religious experience, and for others, it’s simply a call to strive to love others better. No matter your response to his story, we encourage you to explore it from a new perspective.”
This is who they believe Jesus is:
“We believe there is something in the story of Jesus for everyone.
That’s why fans of the campaign and those working on it include people who are curious about this man and his story and want to explore it for themselves, those reconstructing their faith, and those who believe in their hearts that Jesus Christ is the son of God. All of us work together relentlessly to share the transformative power that unconditional love, forgiveness, and sacrificial generosity have to change us, our families, our communities, and our country.
It wouldn’t be hard to guess that many of those backing the campaign believe that Jesus is who the Bible says he is. He Gets Us is an initiative of Come Near Inc., a nonprofit organization committed to sharing the life and love of Jesus, that believes Jesus was human and divine, he rose from the dead, and more. No matter who you are and what you believe, we’re glad you’re here.”
The He Gets Us movement mainly focuses on the love of Jesus. Yet no matter how true the message is about the love of Jesus and loving our neighbor, this is not the entire mission, message, or teaching of Jesus Christ. It totally leaves out why, as the Son of God, Jesus came to save sinners. The Gospel message must be shared: Jesus is the only way to be saved.
Additionally disturbing, the FAQ page on the He Gets Us website also addresses the question about their stance on the LGBTQ+ community with these words:
“These are probably the most common questions we receive. And we understand why. Many of those who represent Jesus have made people in the LGBTQ+ community feel judged and excluded. And others in the Jesus community have simply ignored their stories and lived experiences. So let us be clear in our opinion. Jesus loves gay people and Jesus loves trans people. The LGBTQ+ community, like all people, is invited to explore the story of Jesus and consider his example of unconditional love, grace, and forgiveness of others. No matter who you are, YOU are invited to explore the story of Jesus and consider what it means for your life.”
The website fails to mention individual accountability for sin – and the subsequent need for repentance for those sins. So once again, He Gets Us shares an incomplete message.
The parent of the nonprofit organization funding this movement is, recently created in 2024. Its website is lacking in transparency, only including this information:
“Come Near is a new nonprofit organization led by a team of experienced marketing, innovation, and nonprofit leaders committed to sharing the life and love of Jesus in thought-provoking new ways. Come Near leads all aspects of the He Gets Us movement in partnership with a dedicated network of collaborators.”
It is most concerning that neither the website nor its “Foot Washing” commercial ever mention the entire Gospel message or how to receive salvation from Jesus Christ.
With this concern in mind, please share this short video, “The Road to Salvation,” with friends and family – including those who are already saved and have a relationship with Jesus – so they can also pass along the Gospel message. And most importantly, share the video with those who are lost.