Stay Away from Zondervan's New DEI Bible!

WARNING! Zondervan’s newest NIV study Bible is unlike other Bibles in that it includes elements of theological and gender diversity. As such, Christians should be aware this could be called a DEI Bible. (DEI is an acronym for diversity, equity, and inclusion.)
One of Zondervan’s newest publications is the Upside-Down Kingdom Bible: Think Deeply// Love Widely. But it can be more accurately described as upside-down theology because it includes interpretations of scriptures from a woke mindset, with opinions based on a magnitude of cultural and sexual perspectives.
The full-page articles and side-column study notes included throughout this Bible come from many individuals, including some who praise wokeness. The diverse contributors enlisted for this project are led by general editor Dr. Preston Sprinkle, co-founder and president of The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender (CFSG).
A CFSG website post about its leadership states, “Our collaboration is a growing team of Christian leaders, pastors, scholars, and LGBT+ persons to serve as advisors, writers, speakers, researchers, and board members.”
Dr. Sprinkle is also the host of the Theology in the Raw podcast which follows the same liberal agenda, blatantly stating online its aim “to help believers think Christianly about theological and cultural issues by engaging in curious conversations with a diverse range of thoughtful people.”
Here is a portion of the new Bible’s description from Amazon:
The NIV Upside-Down Kingdom Bible provides hundreds of side-column notes, full page articles, essays, and book introductions that skillfully and thoughtfully address topics such as race and ethnicity, creation care, science, abortion, wealth and poverty, gender and sexuality, politics, baptism, technology, and others.
In one Amazon review, the Bible is described as “a refreshingly new approach to a study Bible,” but a “liberal” Bible would be a more accurate description, based on the editor’s point of view.
Scripture is extremely clear in Ezekiel 13:10-12 and Matthew 18:6 about the consequences of leading others astray.
I encourage you to join 1MM in letting Zondervan know that we are not buying what they are selling. Sign our pledge to Zondervan stating you will stay far away from the Upside-Down Kingdom Bible.