Sign Petition to Hasbro Concerning 'Peppa Pig'

Alerting parents!
Many parents have found the prominent animated children’s program Peppa Pig to be a clean show; One Million Moms has recently found this to be no longer true. Peppa Pig has added a same-sex polar bear couple to the program.
Hasbro acquired the Peppa Pig cartoon in 2019 through its independent eOne entertainment studio, but in its 18-year history, this is the first time a same-sex couple has appeared in the animated series.
A petition with over 23,000 signatures demanded the inclusion of a gay couple in the children’s program.
“Children of same-sex parents may feel alienated by Peppa Pig, and other children may be more likely to bully them, simply through ignorance,” stated the petition. “Peppa Pig is not just for entertainment; children are inevitably learning from it too.”
Yes, children learn from programming content. That is why 1MM is so concerned with the normalization of a sinful lifestyle choice during a children’s show. This type of sexuality should never be included in a cartoon designed for children, much less praised. It is especially distressing since this popular children’s program is viewed in 180 countries.
In the Peppa Pig episode titled “Families,” a polar bear cub speaks about her lesbian parents to her class.
"I’m Penny Polar Bear. I live with my mommy and my other mommy,” the cartoon character explains to her classmates. “One mommy is a doctor, and one mommy cooks spaghetti. I love spaghetti.”
So, beware! Peppa Pig is now boldly glorifying gay marriage. Discussion of such controversial topics should be left up to parents. Hasbro should not introduce this information to young children. Even though the LGBTQ lifestyle is legally and culturally accepted, it still is immoral. Therefore, Hasbro should stick to entertaining and providing family-friendly programming instead of pushing an agenda.
Take Action:
One Million Moms hopes you use this opportunity to voice your disapproval of Hasbro’s attempt to normalize same-sex marriage. If you agree that this content is inappropriate for a children’s program, please sign our petition to Hasbro, asking the company to pull the ‘Peppa Pig’ episode of “Families” immediately and no longer air it or other episodes with similar inappropriate LGBTQ topics.