Profane Use of Lord's Name Was Not Censored During 'Deal or No Deal Island'

NBC’s program Deal or No Deal Island is a spin-off of the Deal or No Deal game show. This new TV-PG-rated show takes place in an island setting rather than a network studio. But that is not the only change the network has made to its game show programming.
During the episode televised on January 23, 2025, NBC bleeped out several curse words, and rightly so, but the network did not bleep out the profane use of the Lord’s name. In this particular episode, “G.. d…” was actually stated three times, but NBC apparently did not think bleeping out the blatant and profane use of God’s name was necessary. Many of our supporters have submitted complaints on this serious issue of NBC censoring most profanity but not censoring the profane use of God’s name.
No other religion would tolerate such blatant blasphemy, and Christians will not either. As stated in the Ten Commandments, God clearly prohibits the use of His name in vain. The Ten Commandments are there for believers to live by since God knows what is best.
It is completely unnecessary for NBC to include profanity in their shows, and it is offensive to Christians. It is also irresponsible because children are likely watching during the show’s prime time airing, and children repeat what they hear.
Mocking God is extremely disrespectful to Christians, and NBC needs to be held accountable!
If you agree this programming is inappropriate, please sign our petition urging NBC network to censor when God’s name is used in vain on ‘Deal or No Deal Island’ and on their other programs as well.