Offensive Kelly Clarkson Wayfair Ad!

One Million Moms has received numerous complaints from our supporters regarding the new Wayfair “Holiday” commercial featuring Kelly Clarkson hosting a Christmas party gift swap. As Wayfair’s spokesperson and as a real-life mom, Clarkson shockingly says, “What the … Fuuudddgggeee!”
Clarkson not only delivers the final word of this commercial with emphasis, but the word is slowly elongated, and the audio of her voice drops to an exaggerated bass sound.
Foul language (or implication of it) is unnecessary in this or any advertisement, but evidently, that is what Wayfair intended. Since Clarkson did not appreciate the gift received during this commercial, this offensive slogan obviously insinuates profanity. At this point in the ad, all viewers know that the f-word is implied.
Wayfair chose to include this profane insinuation to end the ad with viewers completely understanding the intended implication. Wayfair has deliberately chosen to produce controversial advertisements instead of wholesome ones. One Million Moms finds this highly inappropriate.
Apparently, Wayfair executives do not care about what children hear – despite how damaging and destructive such ads are to our children. Everyone knows kids repeat what they hear. This ad demonstrates weak marketing, and Wayfair should have the corporate responsibility not to use an age-old euphemism that offends families.
Let them know that, as a parent and a consumer, you are disgusted by their recent irresponsible marketing choices.
Wayfair needs to know that parents disapprove!
If you agree that this marketing campaign is inappropriate, please sign our petition urging Wayfair to cancel this “What the Fudge!” commercial immediately.