Mint Mobile's Blatantly Crass Ad!

Mint Mobile offends conservative parents in one of its current commercials starring Ryan Reynolds. One Million Moms has received many complaints regarding the “Mint Mobile’s Explicitly Premium Wireless” advertisement, so it is time to hold the wireless company accountable.
Unfortunately for viewers, Reynolds blurts out the f-word multiple times, seven times to be exact, but with a bleep to cover it up each time. Evidently, the Mint Mobile marketing department asked Reynolds to be “as explicit as possible” as he speaks during the commercial.
Consequently, viewers know exactly what is said because the bleeps barely cover the f-words.
Mint Mobile obviously chose to include this profane insinuation and to end the ad with viewers completely understanding the intended implication.
This type of advertising is entirely unnecessary. Mint Mobile has deliberately chosen to produce controversial advertisements instead of wholesome ones. One Million Moms finds this highly inappropriate.
Apparently, Mint Mobile executives do not care about what children hear – despite how damaging and destructive such ads are to our children. Everyone knows children repeat what they hear. This ad demonstrates weak marketing, and Mint Mobile should have the corporate responsibility not to use an age-old euphemism that offends families.
Let Mint Mobile know that you, as a parent and a consumer, are disgusted by its recent marketing choices.
Mint Mobile needs to know parents disapprove!
If you agree this crass marketing campaign is inappropriate, please sign our petition urging Mint Mobile to cancel this “Explicit” commercial immediately.