Clorox Should Cancel Its Crude Ad Immediately!

Clorox offends conservative viewers in its latest commercial, “Clean Feels Satisfying. Clean Feels Good.” In this ad, a woman is cleaning her house using Clorox, and then, at the end of the commercial, she takes off her bra.
It is never appropriate for someone to remove an undergarment during an advertisement. Even though the woman in this Clorox ad removed her bra from underneath her shirt, the viewer’s mental image consists of a female undressing and removing her bra.
This type of advertising assumes that crudeness is comical. One Million Moms finds this advertisement highly inappropriate. Yet, Clorox has deliberately produced controversial advertisements instead of wholesome ones.
What’s worse, these advertisements air during prime time when families are most likely to be watching.
Clorox is a household name and should be more responsible in its marketing decisions.
Let them know that, as a parent and consumer, you are disappointed by the company’s recent marketing choices.
If you agree this marketing campaign is inappropriate, please sign our petition urging Clorox to cancel this commercial immediately.