CBS Airs Satanic Performance!

On Sundays, many Americans gather to worship God as a family of believers.
But for CBS Broadcasting Inc., Sunday is a time to bring debauchery and Satanic worship to the world.
On Sunday, February 5, the 65th Annual Grammy Awards ceremony aired on the CBS network. Originally designed to recognize outstanding artists in the music industry, this year’s Grammy ceremony achieved quite the opposite with its open recognition and worship of Satan.
One of the night’s most disturbing displays featured a demonic performance by entertainers Sam Smith, who claims to be non-binary, and Kim Petras, who claims to be transgender. These two gave the nation a Satan-themed rendition of their song “Unholy,” in which Petras performed inside a cage with drag queen dancers dressed in scanty devil outfits and sporting whips. Simultaneously, Smith gyrated in a costume featuring devil horns protruding from a top hat with his own similarly red-robed, demonic-looking dancers. These gyrating dancers surrounded Smith in the performance’s finale, pretending to devour and eat him like a pack of wild animals.
The entire Satan-filled performance was pure evil, and it is obvious who Hollywood worships.
CBS admitted as much in a network reply to Sam Smith’s pre-ceremony Tweet in which the singer shared a rehearsal photo wearing satanic horns. With an added devil emoji, Smith tweeted, “This is going to be SPECIAL. #GRAMMYs.”
Ironically, CBS has since deleted the network’s reply to Smith: “… you can say that again. We are ready to worship!”
CBS has no concern about souls celebrating Satan. The entire ‘performance’ depicted a hellish scene with lots of darkness, blood-red colors, and flames of fire.
The pro-LGBTQ Grammy ceremony aired during primetime when teens would likely watch and be exposed to this desensitization. But this terribly dark and sexually immoral performance wasn’t appropriate for an audience of any age.
Sign our petition to CBS, urging the network to distance itself from the Grammys and other controversial programs that have a history of offending decency and disrespecting people of faith.